Early studies of omega-3 fatty acid intake demonstrated dramatic biological effects. Since then, the body of research enumerating the profound anti-inflammatory and generalized health-promoting qualities of omega-3s continues to grow; however, some studies fail to show any effects from omega-3 supplementation. In this Aliquot, Dr. Bill Harris shares his thoughts on inconsistencies in the literature and gives his recommendations for optimal dosage taking genes and diet into account.
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Early studies of omega-3 fatty acid intake demonstrated dramatic biological effects. Since then, the body of research enumerating the profound anti-inflammatory and generalized health-promoting qualities of omega-3s continues to grow; however, some studies fail to show any effects from omega-3 supplementation. In this Aliquot, Dr. Bill Harris shares his thoughts on inconsistencies in the literature and gives his recommendations for optimal dosage taking genes and diet into account.
Tolerability of very high doses (25 grams or more)
Why dose titration based on the RBC test is better than ball-parking
The right dose for 95% of typical Westerner
Why 4 grams might be better than 2 grams for some people
How the FDA decided on dosage for prescription omega-3
Does the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio matter?
Concluding thoughts
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