We're continuing our three-part series, Practicing What They Preach, about what experts do to maintain their health and fitness. Part 3 of this series focuses on maximizing and maintaining muscle mass—an essential part of long-term health and fitness—with insights from exercise physiologist and nutrition expert Dr. Luc van Loon and exercise scientist Layne Norton.
Aliquot episodes make great companion listening for a long drive. You can find these special members-only episodes alongside live recorded Q&As on The Aliquot, our official premium FoundMyFitness podcast.
We're continuing our three-part series, Practicing What They Preach, about what experts do to maintain their health and fitness. Part 3 of this series focuses on maximizing and maintaining muscle mass—an essential part of long-term health and fitness—with insights from exercise physiologist and nutrition expert Dr. Luc van Loon and exercise scientist Layne Norton.
In this follow-up episode, we explore their strategies for optimizing muscle mass through exercise, nutrition, and supplements.
Does protein timing optimize muscle mass gains?
Is consuming 100g of protein at once as effective for muscle synthesis as several 20g doses spread throughout the day?
Can eating protein before bed stimulate muscle building and reduce overnight muscle loss?
Why athletes should consider having a protein-rich snack before bed
How time-restricted eating affects muscle protein synthesis?
Why does time-restricted eating work well for Dr. Luc van Loon?
Can you gain muscle on 0.8 g/kg of protein per day?
Does it matter if protein is consumed before or after resistance training?
Which better stimulates muscle protein synthesis—multiple smaller protein meals (e.g., 5x20g) or fewer larger ones (e.g., 2x50g)?
Dr. van Loon's exercise routine & diet
Dr. Layne Norton's diet & supplement routine
Why Layne prefers afternoon workouts and how many hours he trains each week.
How frozen meals help Layne balance convenience with nutrition
What are Layne's must-have supplements?
Layne's strong views on creatine – cognition, memory, muscle, and mood
Does creatine damage kidneys or cause baldness?
Layne's recommended creatine dose
Does Layne worry about the insulin response from supplemental protein powder?
Which supplements does Layne rank as tier 2?
Why is Layne enthusiastic about Ashwagandha's benefits?
Can melatonin increase lean mass?
Layne's tier 3 supplements
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