Imagine a drug that improves sleep, reduces stress, sharpens focus, and boosts mood—without cost or side effects. That "drug" is light. Natural light is more than just illumination; it's a potent regulator of our body's internal clock, driving critical processes like hormone release and sleep-wake cycles. But in a world dominated by screens and artificial lighting, many of us unknowingly deprive ourselves of its benefits, with far-reaching consequences for our health.
Aliquot episodes make great companion listening for a long drive. You can find these special members-only episodes alongside live recorded Q&As on The Aliquot, our official premium FoundMyFitness podcast.
Imagine a drug that improves sleep, reduces stress, sharpens focus, and boosts mood—without cost or side effects. That "drug" is light. Natural light is more than just illumination; it's a potent regulator of our body's internal clock, driving critical processes like hormone release and sleep-wake cycles. But in a world dominated by screens and artificial lighting, many of us unknowingly deprive ourselves of its benefits, with far-reaching consequences for our health.
In this Aliquot, Drs. Matt Walker, Satchin Panda, and Andrew Huberman explore how to harness the benefits of natural light exposure while mitigating the health risks posed by artificial light.
How to create a strong circadian rhythm
How modern life deprives us of natural daylight
Can you get enough bright light on a cloudy day?
Why morning sunglasses disrupt circadian rhythms
Using light exposure to mitigate jet lag
Are overhead lights more disruptive than screens?
What happens when people are removed from artificial light?
Do humans need more than seven hours of sleep?
How modern life delays natural sleep timing
When midnight was actually the middle of sleep
How blue light sensors in the retina regulate sleep
Practical ways to manage blue light exposure
The importance of morning light exposure
Why low-angle sunlight is crucial for circadian rhythms
How to regulate circadian rhythms without morning sunlight
How to minimize late-night artificial light exposure
How light influences mood and cortisol levels.
Every other week premium members receive a special edition newsletter that summarizes all of the latest healthspan research.
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