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Dr. Rhonda Patrick answers audience questions on various health, nutrition, and science topics in this Q&A session.
The mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 infection and pathology. 1
What is a cytokine storm and how initial activation of the innate immune system may help prevent it.
Vitamin D normalizes the renin-angiotensin-system system and could be protective of COVID-19.
SARS-CoV-1 infection has been shown to downregulate cellular ACE2 expression levels and this may be involved in disease severity. 1
How loss of ACE2 function has been shown to exacerbate acute lung injury and inflammation in lungs. 1
Vitamin D halved the risk of acute respiratory infection in people with the lowest baseline vitamin D levels and reduced by 10% in people with adequate vitamin D. 1
Vitamin D reduced lung injury in mice by actually increasing ACE2 receptor levels in infected mice. The infected mice experienced a decrease in ACE2R and this exacerbated lung injury but vitamin D normalized this. Vitamin D did not increase ACE2 levels above what was found in normal non-infected mice. 1
Vitamin C is critical to the immune system and could possibly be protective during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic.
Vitamin C deficient mice were more likely to die from the flu. 1
Dosing vitamin D supplementation.
Intravenous vitamin C is currently being trialed for treatment for COVID-19 around the world.
What I personally do to boost my immune system during this pandemic.
Thiamine supplementation for protection from SARS-CoV2 via riboswitches.
Supplementation I give to my toddler.
Do non-caloric artificial sweeteners negatively impact the microbiome?
Monitoring sleep duration and quality for improving health
How sauna use plays a role in boosting the immune system via heat shock proteins.
Every month, Rhonda hosts a live chat with FoundMyFitness Premium Members.
Don't miss the next one.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses microdosing nicotine, GlyNac benefits, intermittent fasting and hair loss, and cold & flu relief.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses GLP-1 agonists, alpha-lipoic acid, ubiquinone vs. ubiquinol, calcium needs, and liquid biopsy cancer screening.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses _Akkermansia muciniphila_, vitamin B1's effect on blood sugar, emulsifiers in food, and electrolyte supplements.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses silicone safety, grounding, pentadecanoic acid, and the potential benefits of olive leaf extract and peptides.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses her supplement stack, avoiding microplastics, creatine for brain health, and mRNA vaccine autoimmunity risks.