Continuous glucose monitors – CGMs, for short – are wearable devices that measure blood glucose levels through a tiny sensor placed under the skin. The CGM communicates with your smartphone and provides nearly real-time information about your blood glucose levels. Using a CGM can help you make better diet and lifestyle choices to promote better health. In this Aliquot, Dr. Michael Snyder, Dr. Eran Elinav, and I discuss the benefits of wearing a continuous glucose monitor.
Aliquot episodes make great companion listening for a long drive. You can find these special members-only episodes alongside live recorded Q&As on The Aliquot, our official premium FoundMyFitness podcast.
Continuous glucose monitors – CGMs, for short – are wearable devices that measure blood glucose levels through a tiny sensor placed under the skin. The CGM communicates with your smartphone and provides nearly real-time information about your blood glucose levels. Using a CGM can help you make better diet and lifestyle choices to promote better health. In this Aliquot, Dr. Michael Snyder, Dr. Eran Elinav, and I discuss the benefits of wearing a continuous glucose monitor.
Detecting pre-diabetes early (w/ Dr. Michael Snyder)
How diet personalization works (w/ Dr. Eran Elinav discussion)
Criticisms of CGM use in healthy people
Ketosis and fasting (Q&A #27 segment)
How does Rhonda use her CGM data? (Q&A #6 segment)
How does food, exercise, and moringa affect blood sugar? (Q&A #8 segment)
The effects of alcohol and how to choose a CGM brand
Enhancing metabolic health (Q&A #21 segment)
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