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Olive oil is rich in bioactive compounds, including polyphenols, carotenoids, and oleic acid. It’s a fundamental component of the Mediterranean diet and is associated with a wide range of health benefits. A recent study found that high olive oil intake—more than 3 tablespoons daily—reduces the risk of early death from all causes by 20%.

Researchers analyzed data from nearly 23,000 adults enrolled in a long-term cohort study in Italy. Participants completed questionnaires about their olive oil consumption, defined as high (3 tablespoons or more daily) or low (1.5 tablespoons or less daily). The researchers collected information about the participants' lifestyles, assessed their overall diet quality, and measured their biomarkers associated with chronic disease risk.

They found that compared to low olive oil intake, high intake lowered the risk of early death from all causes by 20%, cancer by 23%, and cardiovascular disease by 25%. However, They found that the effect of high olive oil intake on reducing the risk of dying from all causes and cancer was slightly lower when considering the participants' biomarkers.

These findings suggest that olive oil reduces the risk of early death from all causes, including cancer and cardiovascular disease. The polyphenols in olive oil exert potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer effects. Learn more about the health benefits of polyphenols in our overview article.

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