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    I recently became a loyal fan and Im very happy and proud to be a supporter of Found My Fitness. Dr. Patrick, you do an outstanding job putting together all the information you share with your followers and I hope to see it continue for a long time. I like that you break things down for the layperson to understand and utilize. And, the point you make about monthly support for the cost of a morning coffee or two is exactly right. Good perspective. Keep up the great work!

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      Thanks for this great video, I didn’t know about that. Also I have a question. I started intermittent fasting almost 4 weeks ago and the schedule which works great for me is I’m starting to eat around 4-6pm and end eating around midnight. Now I’m slowly getting to start eating at 3pm and finishing at 10pm. I’m going to sleep between 10-11pm. The question is whether my fasting is healthy enough even that I’m finishing eating 1-1.5h before going to sleep? Should I shift my schedule to have last meal around 9pm if I’m going to sleep at 11pm?

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        Rhonda, Can you recommend any books on time-restricted feeding/the circadian rhythm?

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          Dr. Satchin Panda, featured prominently in this clip, has a book out on that very subject called “The Circadian Code.” Look it up at any major book retailer.

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          What about work shifts? How does it affects the insulin levels during the night? Thanks, love your work!

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            That’s really interesting. Keep up the great work!