Comments by Roadkilt
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    I have a steam shower, not a sauna and do it at 44c (111 F) which is crazy hot. Does this have the same benefits of an 80c (180F) dry sauna? Is it just about heat tolerance? Don’t sweat as much is a steam….

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      Interesting video, thanks for the work involved in distilling it down. There has been a lot of work on the benefits of oral 500 mg niacinamide on skin cancer reduction, specifically those prone to precancerous actinic keratosis (basically anyone with fair skin). You never mentioned any relationship there, but did say that niacinamide mono and niaciniamide RNA break down into niacinamide when taken orally. What about just taking 500-1000mg niacinamide daily/orally? Its cheap, well tolerated (maybe skin flushing/reddening in some), with benefits for both cardiovascular/aging and skin improvement? Especially if taken with resveratol?