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Regular physical activity can have profound effects on mental health by reducing depression and anxiety. Evidence suggests that cycling to work reduces the risk of premature death from all causes, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. A recent study found that people who cycle to work are also less likely to require mental health medications.

The study, which took place in Scotland, involved more than 378,000 adult participants living in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and the surrounding areas. Researchers collected data regarding whether the participants cycled to work and if they required a prescription for mental health (anti-anxiety or antidepressant) medications.

They found that very few commuters cycled to work, with just 4.8 percent of commuters in Edinburgh and 1.85 percent in Glasgow cycling. However, those who did cycle were less likely to have received a prescription for mental health medications than non-cyclists. This difference translated to a 15 percent reduction in mental health prescriptions over five years. Interestingly, men were more likely to cycle and less likely to take mental health medication than women.

These findings suggest that cycling to work improves mental health and supports public health efforts that encourage commuters who travel shorter distances to consider cycling. Watch this episode in which Dr. Rhonda Patrick talks about her love of cycling for its powerful mood-enhancing effects and describes the compelling science suggesting exercise is a powerful tool for preventing or managing the symptoms of depression and mental illness.

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