Hey everyone,
I am a type 1 diabetic in my early 20’s and wanted to reach out to this community for any helpful info on type 1 nutrition and exercise. A few months ago I had an epiphany and realized it was time to get on top of my health. Over the past few months I have lost almost 30 pounds now only weighing 190, and getting my HbA1c to 7. While there is always conversations about type 2 diabetes, the same cannot be said for type 1. Specifically I want to know how excercise effects blood sugar in T1’s. For my whole life my blood sugar has always gone extremely low during workouts. Know I often find my blood sugar raising after workouts.
I am also curious what diets/lifestyles you all think would be most successful for type 1’s. I have followed a fairly low carb diet and cut out breads and refined sugars. I have really tried to intermitten fast, but it can be difficult due to low blood sugars.
Any other tips and suggestions would be fantastic.
Thanks, Jacob
Hi! I’m a T1D and was in a similar place as you (A1C of 7%) in my early 20’s, right after college. It was only after researching the products out there and choosing the best ones for me that I was able to take control of my diabetes. I use an Omnipod pump which I LOVE and a Dexcom which I love even more. In my humble opinion, you will be hard pressed to live a good-quality life that isn’t overly restrictive without a Dexcom (I would say CGM but the reality is that Dexcom is the most accurate on the 2-3-player CGM market and is the best option). While you might still head low after exercise, Dexcom will let you see it and catch it before you go too far.
Temporary basal rates, or even eating 15g carbs or so, before a workout should help with the lows. I work out around 6pm (weights mostly) and running a temp basal 20% reduction 1 hr before helps a lot, as does a fruit snack. I would also recommend a temp basal reduction for 2-3 hours post-workout.
Weight training and WALKING help promote insulin sensitivity. Because walking exercises your largest muscles, and muscle contraction stimulates insulin release and glucose processing, be cautious that you’re reducing basal before and after walks and/or keeping snacks handy.
If you work out in the morning and are like me, you’ll go high not low. Again, Dexcom can show you what’s going on.
And finally, like you, I have found that eating a lower-carb diet is a silver bullet of sorts for reducing blood sugar variability. Sad, but true.
Good luck! You’ve got this!
Have you looked at Rondia’s videos with Valter Longo ? I believe he may be doing some trials using his FMD with diabetics. But I think he warns that a diabetic not do his FMD without very close medical supervision.
Are you on injections or a pump? If you’re going low with a pump, have you talked to your endo about a temporary basal rate for IF or exercise days? If it’s basal insulin injections that results in lows, maybe talk to your endo about reducing it on IF or exercise days. Exercise will lower your blood sugars immediately but also over time… of course it depends on the type of exercise as well. What kind of exercise are you pursuing? It sounds like you may be doing cardio (with a cortisol spike resulting in higher blood sugars for a few hours) or going high from treating the lows. I know that’s kinda vague, but hang in there! An A1c of 7 is already phenomenal!