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Parenteral nutrition is a method of delivering essential nutrients intravenously when a person is unable to receive nutrition via the digestive system. The solutions used in parenteral nutrition typically include a balanced mix of macro- and micronutrients to support health and promote recovery. A recent review found that parenteral nutrition solutions containing fish oils reduced the risk of infection and sepsis and shortened hospital stays in patients receiving parenteral nutrition.

Researchers reviewed the findings of 47 randomized controlled trials investigating the effects of parenteral nutrition containing intravenous lipid (fat) emulsions on clinical outcomes in more than 3,600 hospitalized patients. The various emulsions contained one of several lipid types: fish oil, olive oil, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), soybean oil, or a combination of MCTs and soybean oil.

They found that patients who received fish oil were 57 percent less likely to develop an infection than those receiving soybean oil. Similarly, the risk of infection decreased by 41 percent for MCTs/soybean oils and 44 percent for olive oils, compared to soybean oils. Furthermore, the likelihood of sepsis was 78 percent lower with fish oils than soybean oils. Hospital stays decreased by roughly two days among patients receiving fish oils.

These findings suggest that including fish oil-based lipid emulsions in parenteral nutrition improves outcomes in hospitalized patients. Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which exert potent anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Byproducts of omega-3 metabolism called specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) have distinct roles in promoting the resolution of inflammation, restoring homeostasis, and supporting tissue repair. Learn more about SPMs in this episode featuring omega-3 expert Dr. Bill Harris.

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