1. 4

And a submitted companion paper reports dietary glucosinolate from Brussels sprouts and cabbage drove coronary heart diseases.

“In addition, participants who consumed one or more servings per week of Brussels sprouts (HR: 1.14; 95% CI: 1.05, 1.24; P trend = 0.001) and cabbage (HR: 1.08; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.16; P trend = 0.04) had a significantly higher CHD risk than those who consumed these cruciferous vegetables less than once per month.”


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    I wouldn’t worry. Experiments show that it lowers blood glucose in diabetics. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2134735-5-kilograms-of-broccoli-in-a-pill-slashes-diabetics-blood-sugar/

    1. 1

      Another associative pile of scientific doo-doo.

      Broccoli consumption has been previously associated with good health.

      What’s next? Battle of the Broccoli?

      1. 2

        Has Rhonda commented on this paper yet?

        1. 2

          They didn’t account for cooking style. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17011103 (this study shows why this is important) Their calculations are based of self reported data and multiplied that to get a total glucosinolate amount. Another thing that would be interesting to see is the risk factor for T2D vs. cancer. There could be an inverse relationship, there could also be gender factors and environmental factors at play here.

          1. 1

            So given that this study is based on self reported data (not exactly a gold standard for accuracy) and did not take into consideration how these food items were cooked, we should be able to take this study with a grain of salt?

          2. 2

            I also would like to hear Rhonda’s thoughts on these unexpected findings.

            1. 2


              Would you comment on this study and/or its findings. Very disheartening info.

              Thanks, Terry

              1. 2

                Unexpected findings indeed. These go against everything I’ve known as a nutritionist.

                1. 1

                  Wait… what now? That is definitely disheartening to read. Anyone else hoping there is some crazy flaw in this paper that is glossed over?

                  1. 2

                    I hope so, this is super upsetting. I hope the experiment seriously overlooked something