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The gut microbiome is crucial for maintaining normal brain processes, and disruptions in gut health can impair cognitive function. Sleep deprivation also impairs cognitive function, but some evidence suggests that probiotics mitigate these effects. A recent study in mice found that probiotics alleviated sleep-deprivation-induced cognitive impairments.

Researchers fed sleep-deprived mice a probiotic containing Bifidobacterium breve and subjected them to memory and behavioral tests. They also analyzed changes in the animals' gut microbial composition and the presence of crucial microbial metabolites in the gut and serum.

They found that Bifidobacterium breve improved the sleep-deprived animals' performance in the novel object recognition test – an assessment of recognition memory. The probiotic also altered their gut microbial composition toward a more favorable profile and increased levels of isovaleric acid and gamma-aminobutyric acid (also known as GABA), metabolites involved in melatonin production and circadian rhythm regulation, respectively.

Bifidobacterium breve is a probiotic bacterium commonly found in the human gut, with particularly large numbers found in young, breastfed infants. It is known for its beneficial effects on digestive health and immune function, and it has been studied for its potential to alleviate various conditions, including gut disorders and Alzheimer’s disease

These findings suggest that Bifidobacterium breve mitigates sleep-deprivation-induced cognitive impairments and circadian rhythm disturbances in mice. They also highlight a potential role for gut microbial manipulation in treating insomnia and other sleep disorders. Learn more about the relationship between the gut microbiome and sleep in this clip featuring Dr. Matt Walker.

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