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Technology enriches our lives, enhancing communication, improving healthcare, and providing access to vast amounts of information. However, the amount of time we spend on the devices that deliver that technology may be harmful, especially for young children. A recent study found that two hours or more of daily screen time among preschoolers lowers psychological well-being.

Researchers analyzed data from the 2018-2021 National Survey of Children’s Health, focusing on children aged six months to five years. Primary caregivers reported the children’s daily screen time and provided information about their flourishing and externalizing behaviors – indicators of psychological health.

They found that over the four-year study period, 50.9 percent of the children had high screen time, defined as one or more hour daily for children aged six months to one year and two or more hours daily for children aged two to five years. The percentage of children with high screen time increased to 55.3 percent during the pandemic in 2020 and was even higher among children living in poverty (60.9 percent). More than two hours of daily screen time was linked to less flourishing and more externalizing behaviors for children aged three to five years.

Flourishing refers to the presence of positive emotions, relationships, and adaptive functioning. It plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of antisocial behaviors later in life. Externalizing behaviors, such as hyperactivity and aggression, reflect maladjustment to the external environment. They can hinder learning and relationships and may lead to juvenile delinquency and adult violence.

These findings suggest that excessive screen time may harm psychological well-being in preschool-aged children. Parents and caregivers should be mindful of screen time limits to promote better mental health outcomes for young children. Learn more about the effects of screen time on children and teens in this short video featuring Dr. Rhonda Patrick.

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