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Their results showed that magnesium is safe and effective and comparable to prescription SSRI treatments in effectiveness. […]

The study team found that in 112 participants with analyzable data, consumption of magnesium chloride for six weeks resulted in a clinically significant improvement in measures of depression and anxiety symptoms. In addition, these positive effects were shown quickly, at two weeks, and the supplements were well tolerated and similarly effective regardless of age, sex, or use of antidepressants, among other factors.

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    Is it true that also low Vitamin D levels play a role with depression?

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      There are considerable variations in the quality of drinking water in Norway. The researchers studied variations in magnesium and calcium levels in drinking water between different areas, as these are assumed to have a role in the development of bone strength. They wanted to examine whether there was a correlation between magnesium and calcium concentrations in drinking water and the incidence of hip fracture.

      The study results show that magnesium protects against hip fracture for both men and women. The researchers found no independent protective effect of calcium.

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      It’s well known that cardiovascular deaths, including sudden cardiac deaths, occur far less frequently in areas that have hard water, which contains lots of minerals, compared to areas with soft water, which is relatively mineral free. British researchers took a close look at this data and narrowed the protective effects to one specific mineral: magnesium.

      Magnesium is a viable option for preventing sudden cardiac death because it plays key roles in several aspects of cardiovascular health, and deficiencies are linked to an increased risk of hypertension, heart attack, heart failure, and death. Subpar levels also promote electrical instability in the heart and are associated with a variety of rhythm disturbances, including ventricular arrhythmia and sudden cardiac arrest.


      This study showed a 33% reduced pancreatic cancer risk in overweight men whose average daily magnesium intake was 423 mg compared to 281 mg.40 Another study showed that for each 100 mg increase in magnesium intake amongst overweight men, there was a 21% decreased risk.39

      A large study evaluating Japanese men found that those with the highest dietary intake of magnesium were over 50% less likely to contract colon cancer.22

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        Depression is affected by so many dietary and lifestyle inputs! Anyone who has followed @rhonda for long enough, however, knows that magnesium deficiency (very common) is basically green leafy vegetable deficiency.