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Coronaviruses comprise a group of related viruses that cause illness in birds and mammals, including humans. While some coronaviruses cause fairly benign illness (such as the common cold), others can cause serious, even life-threatening disease (such as SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19). As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase globally, identifying strategies to reduce or prevent its spread is essential. Findings from a recent study indicate that ordinary healthcare products may be useful in reducing viral load of coronaviruses.

Viral load refers to the quantity of virus particles present in an organism following exposure. With most viruses, higher viral loads are associated with worse outcomes.

The authors of the study assessed the merits of several healthcare products, including a saline nasal rinse, a 1 percent solution of baby shampoo, peroxide oral rinses, and mouthwashes in reducing viral load. They tested the products against human coronavirus 229e, a human respiratory pathogen with a structure similar to that of SARS-CoV2, by incubating the virus in the presence of the solutions for 30 seconds, one minute, and two minutes at room temperature.

They found that the baby shampoo solution inactivated more than 99.9 percent of the virus after two minutes. The mouthwashes and oral rinses were similarly effective, with some products inactivating more than 99.9 percent of virus after 30 seconds and some inactivating 99.99 percent of the virus after 30 seconds. They found no benefit from using the saline nasal rinse.

These findings suggest that ordinary household healthcare products are useful in preventing viral load of a coronavirus similar to SARS-CoV-2. Such products may be beneficial in reducing or preventing transmission of COVID-19.

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