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From the publication:

Population studies suggest that low serum levels of endogenous testosterone are a risk factor for cardiovascular events, although these studies cannot establish causality or exclude reverse causality, and some of these associations might result from residual confounding.

– Although many retrospective studies show no association, some retrospective studies of prescription databases have shown a higher risk of cardiovascular events in men receiving testosterone, with the risk increasing early after treatment initiation.

Meta-analyses of randomized, controlled trials of testosterone replacement therapy report conflicting findings, probably because the included trials lacked power or the duration was too short to assess cardiovascular events.

– The TRAVERSE trial, the first trial of testosterone therapy that is adequately powered to assess cardiovascular events, began in 2018, and its findings might take a decade to become available.

– Until the results of the TRAVERSE trial are available, clinicians should individualize testosterone treatment after having an informed discussion with their patients about the risks and benefits of testosterone replacement therapy.

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