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As people age, they often experience muscle function and size declines, adversely affecting their health and overall quality of life. However, evidence suggests exercise can forestall these effects. A recent study found that one year of supervised resistance training with heavy loads exerts lasting benefits on muscle function in older adults.

Researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial involving 451 older adults at retirement age. They assigned participants to one of three groups: heavy resistance training, moderate-intensity training, or a non-exercising control group. They measured participants' leg extensor power, isometric leg strength, and body composition before and after the one-year intervention and again at two and four years after the study started.

They found that participants in the heavy resistance training group maintained their baseline isometric leg strength without notable decline over the four years. In contrast, participants in the moderate-intensity and control groups experienced decreased leg strength over time.

The heavy resistance training protocol involved a full-body workout performed three times a week, using machines in a commercial gym while under supervision. Participants spent the first six to eight weeks getting accustomed to the routine and then completed three sets of six to 12 repetitions for each exercise at about 70% to 85% of their maximum effort.

These findings suggest that one year of heavy resistance training can help preserve muscle function in older adults, potentially mitigating typical age-related declines in muscle strength. They also highlight the importance of incorporating resistance training into exercise programs for older adults to promote healthy aging. Learn more about resistance training for older adults in this clip featuring Dr. Brad Schoenfeld.

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