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Insufficient physical activity increases the risk of many chronic health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Unfortunately, physical inactivity is rising globally, worsening health outcomes and increasing healthcare costs. A recent study found that nearly one-third of adults worldwide don’t engage in sufficient physical activity – an increase of almost 8% over the past two decades.

Researchers analyzed physical activity data from more than 500 studies across 163 countries and territories involving more than 5.7 million people. They defined insufficient physical activity as not doing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, or an equivalent combination per week.

They found that the global prevalence of insufficient physical activity in 2022 was 31.3%, a 7.9% increase since 2000 and a 4.9% increase since 2010. Insufficient activity was more common among females and adults over 60. Interestingly, the prevalence decreased in about half of the countries (primarily high-income Western countries) but increased in the remainder.

These findings suggest that physical inactivity is increasing worldwide, especially among females and older adults. Physical activity, especially vigorous exercise, increases VO2 max, a measure of cardiorespiratory fitness. Evidence indicates that increasing VO2 max from low to normal may extend life by more than two years, while raising it from low to high normal may extend life by approximately three years. Learn more about the effects of vigorous exercise in this episode featuring Dr. Rhonda Patrick.

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