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Lipid rafts – cholesterol-filled “bubbles” found in neuronal cell membranes – play a crucial role in synaptic plasticity and memory formation. However, lipid rafts undergo extensive changes during aging, ultimately contributing to cognitive decline. A new study in mice shows that omega-3 fatty acids preserve lipid raft integrity and bolster cognitive function.

Researchers fed young and old female mice a regular diet or a diet supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids. Then they examined the animals' brains to determine the omega-3s' effects on the structure and properties of the lipid rafts.

They found that older mice fed a regular diet exhibited changes consistent with lipid raft aging, including reduced omega-3 fatty acid concentrations, increased membrane lipid saturation, and altered lipid composition. However, omega-3 supplementation reversed these changes to the point where they resembled the lipid rafts typically seen in younger mice. In addition, omega-3 supplementation influenced the distribution and accumulation of glutamate receptors and ion channels involved in synaptic plasticity, potentially influencing memory formation.

These findings suggest that omega-3 fatty acids counteract age-related changes in the brain, specifically in lipid rafts, and preserve cognitive function and memory in aging. Learn more about omega-3s' roles in preserving cognitive function in this clip featuring Dr. Axel Montagne.

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