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From the publication:

Firstly, according to the reviewed data from preclinical studies, SSRIs affect to a greater extent, both testosterone and estrogen serum levels compared to the rest of drug classes (Tables 1 and 3). In particular, more than 50% of the reviewed publications report changes in testosterone and estrogen levels after SSRI administration. The same conclusion cannot be drawn from the comparatively fewer studies that investigated other classes of monoaminergic antidepressants. Secondly, data indicated differences between acute and sub-chronic or chronic drug administration on testosterone and estrogen levels. On the one hand, acute antidepressant treatment either decreases or does not affect testosterone and estrogen levels. On the other hand, data from sub-chronic and chronic antidepressant treatment are conflicted, probably due to variable treatment duration and differences in the time and method of sampling. Furthermore, from our reviewed data it appears that testosterone levels are more frequently affected by antidepressants in comparison to estrogen. More specifically, the majority of studies found no changes in estrogen levels following drug administration, whereas the rest of the studies reported either increased or decreased levels of testosterone in both males and females (Tables 1 and 3). Unfortunately, inconsistencies in methods, i.e., inclusion of both sexes, doses, age, duration, and strain, as well as the technical difficulties in measuring low and variable estrogen levels account for the conflicting data and impede any firm conclusions.

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