Comments by Lupsoloro
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    Hi Rhonda,

    I noticed that at the 24 min mark there are discussions about high protein consumption on a keto diet that could lead to unhealthy results. During the discussion you shortly mentioned that

      "And, you know, so do you think that the ketogenic diet you used you hadn’t have done a 
       10% protein if they had done a little bit more? I’m not sure if maybe that technically 
       wouldn’t have even been a ketogenic diet. But would it have changed the IGF-1 mTOR 
       axis as much..." (Quoted from the transcript)

    Does the above quote mean that a traditional ketogenic diet sticks to 10% and less protein as daily calorie intake, and if the protein daily consumption is increased over that ratio, then the said unhealthy conditions will happen?

    I am very concerned about that bit because I am on a “keto-ish” diet for almost a year, with restricted carb intake (20-25g per day), however my protein intake ratio is usually 15-25% of daily calorie intake.

    Thank you in advance if you reply.
