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Although obesity increases the risk of chronic disease and premature death, especially in those who have type 2 diabetes, exercise may counter some of those risks. However, the time of day a person exercises may influence the extent of risk reduction. A recent study found that moderate to vigorous physical activity in the evening reduced the risk of premature death by 61 percent in people with obesity.

Researchers asked nearly 30,000 adults with obesity, some of whom (3,000) had type 2 diabetes, how often they engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity (lasting at least three continuous minutes) and whether they did so in the morning, afternoon, or evening. They tracked the participants' health for about eight years.

They found that engaging in moderate to vigorous physical activity in the evening reduced participants' risk of premature death from all causes by 61 percent. Afternoon exercise reduced the risk by 40 percent, and morning exercise reduced it by 33 percent. Similarly, evening exercise reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 36 percent and microvascular disease by 24 percent. They noted similar risk reductions in those who had type 2 diabetes.

These findings suggest that moderate to vigorous physical activity reduces the risk of chronic disease and premature death in people with obesity (including those with type 2 diabetes), but evening exercise confers the greatest benefit. Learn more about the health benefits of vigorous exercise in this episode featuring Dr. Rhonda Patrick.

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