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Statins are among the most widely prescribed drugs in the U.S., with more than 92 million users reported in 2018. Although the drugs are generally effective, nearly 22 percent of statin users with cardiovascular disease will experience a major adverse cardiovascular event within five years of drug initiation – a phenomenon known as “residual risk.” Findings from a recent meta-analysis indicate that combined statin-omega-3 therapy markedly reduces the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events and improves lipid and inflammatory markers.

Researchers analyzed the findings of 14 randomized controlled trials involving more than 40,000 participants. The trials investigated links between statin use, omega-3s, and the risk of cardiovascular disease and related death. Omega-3 doses varied, ranging from 930 milligrams to 4,000 milligrams daily. However, most studies provided a dose of 1,800 milligrams daily.

They found that combined statin-omega-3 therapy reduced the residual risk of experiencing myocardial infarction (heart attack) by 28 percent, a major adverse cardiovascular event by 15 percent, angina (chest pain) by 25 percent, and hospitalization for angina by 25 percent. Those receiving the combined treatment also experienced decreased cholesterol, triglycerides, and hsCRP (a marker of inflammation). However, the combined therapy did not reduce the residual risk of fatal and non-fatal stroke, coronary revascularization, and cardiovascular disease-related death.

These findings suggest that combined statin-omega-3 therapy reduces the residual cardiovascular risks associated with statin therapy alone. Learn more about statins in this episode featuring Dr. Peter Attia.

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