Learn about sprouting broccoli
and the science of the chemoprotective compound sulforaphane.

Watch the Q&A with chemoprotection and
isothiocyanate expert Dr. Jed Fahey

We hosted Dr. Jed Fahey, director of Cullman Chemoprotection Center, as a guest for our special edition of our monthly members-only live Q&A. If you missed the event, you can watch a special recording of it here. Normally, Q&A's are recorded and available to FMF Premium Members (monthly subscribers at $15/mo or more), but in this instance, we're excited to share this with our entire FMF community.

Get the 15-page sprouting guide!

One of the more fascinating stories we've covered on the FoundMyFitness podcast has been that of the nutritional science surrounding broccoli sprouts.

Broccoli sprouts are concentrated sources of sulforaphane, a type of isothiocyanate. Damaging broccoli sprouts – when chewing, chopping, or freezing – triggers an enzymatic reaction in the tiny plants that produces sulforaphane.

In our Sprouting Guide PDF, you'll learn the basics of sprouting, read the science of sulforaphane, and gain insights from one of the
top researchers
in the field of chemoprotection.
Sulforaphane is unique because it elicits a beneficial response in humans via a complex set of interactions that promotes the production of in-house antioxidants, the net effect of which is
– defense against a wide range of physiological stressors.

This Guide captures these fundamentals:

  • How to safely sprout broccoli at home
  • The history of chemoprotection (from Dr. Jed Fahey)
  • Practical tips to achieve samurai-level finesse when it comes to sprouting